Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I had a frantic call Sunday night from my daughter, Catherine. She had adopted a rescue puppy earlier this year. "Tally" was a pup of questionable lineage, debatable bloodlines and, shall we say, less than remarkable pedigree. This did not effect how Miss Tally saw herself. Tally didn't have a clue she was not Kennel Club material and her bearing was playful and proud. She held her own with Brody, the already in residence Jack Russell and accepted the adoration of her loyal subjects, Catherine and Caroline.

Tally was one of those lucky dogs that happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. She was abandoned, hungry and in immediate danger at a very busy intersection. Her future did not look bright. Enter caring friends who rescue dogs and give them a chance to find homes and people to love them. These caring friends found Catherine and Caroline. Tally found a home.

The 4th of July at the Wagner's cabin was a full house. Family, friends and three dogs. Champ, the wonder dog, a golden; Lola, the tomboy King Charles in a prissy body, and little Tally, who held her own with her well-bred cousins. She chased their balls, ate their food and broke all the house rules, with a smile on her tiny face. The carpet cleaner was out most of the weekend. She pranced on her leash, her tag and collar bigger than Tally was. Tally had a wonderful holiday. She was very patriotic.

Back to Catherine's call. Tally had been feeling poorly since last Wednesday. Under her vet's care, she was medicated, spoon fed and coddled. Tally did not get feeling better. Sunday evening, a trip was made to the emergency room (yes, they have those for pets) and tests were run. Catherine left Tally in the clinic for the night. Returning early yesterday morning, bad news. Little Tally had distemper. Contracted before she was adopted, the immunization had no effect.

Catherine and Caroline had to make the decision to put Tally down. She was so sick and their were no options for her recovery. It was a very sad morning.

As my family is want to do, we circle up. Catherine's sweet sister and I threw kids in the car and blasted to Oklahoma City. Nothing lightens the mood like the laughter of children. We shopped for Annebelle's school supplies. We tried on silly hats at the party store. We drank Icee's. Her brothers and sweet girlfriend, Ally, joined us for mexican food and positive energy. We arrived to swollen eyes and grieving hearts and hopefully left the girls with a renewed resolve and a realization they loved their pup enough to let her go.

Grief is a process, no matter who we say goodbye to. Time heals and hearts mend. I just wish I could have kept my daughter from the process. All I could do was support her and let her know I love her and am always there. Life happens. It is our job and our gift to make the journey easier for each other. No one should ever go through difficult times alone.

Goodbye little Tally. What a great life you had and what a lucky dog you were. You were loved. chrissie


Tearful said...

Tally was a very lucky dog and Catherine is a very blessed young woman.

Anonymous said...

giving Tally a home was a gift and a blessing.....think adoption rather than breed....there's lots of pets waiting
be sure to spay and neuter your own pet. Leaves the playing field more open for those who don't have such caring folks in their lives

Anonymous said...

How very fortunate that Tally came
into Catherine's life, if only for a short time.
What a wonderful tribute to Tally and her "people" family.

philosophy major said...

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance

Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance

Garth says it so well....also, someone said, Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful.