Monday, July 9, 2007

Time Management

With four children, we had to be really organized. Clothes for school were always laid out the night before. Lunches were packed and lined up in the fridge according to sandwich preferences. Homework, notes and other school paraphernalia was loaded in backpacks and placed by the door. I could not go to bed at night if I did not have breakfast figured out. With so many, it was hectic enough in the morning. Being relatively prepared for the day helped create a more positive send off and less angst as everyone left for school. My children may not have appreciated the calm, but I did.

This was not a Von Trapp Family household. The Wagner Darlings did not stand at attention, waiting for inspection. I usually had to bring school clothes downstairs for the younger two so they could watch cartoons while they dressed. Breakfast was often eaten in the car by big sister because her hair was "wacko" and time management had gone out the window. A current event required the newspaper and scissors. (As an aside, where DO scissors go?) One child or another's soccer shorts were still in the dirty clothes hamper. You know. You've been there. The phone was ringing. The dog wanted out. The cat wanted in.

All I am saying is that it is hectic enough in a family to not at least try for some simple organization. As a Sunday School teacher I remember one 12 year old who came to class every week with swollen eyes and rather unkempt hair. There were four girls in her family and it seemed they slept too late and then went into crisis mode to get ready for church. There was lots of drama as four beautiful young girls competed for showers, mirrors and Mom. One time, Okay. Then, fix the situation. This child was miserable by the time she got to my class. Her head was not into whatever lesson was the order of the day. She would have even been better served with a leisurely Sunday morning at home than just "getting there" with tears and resentments.

Need to turn over a new leaf? First organize yourself. Clean corners, closets and cabinets. Be on time. Plan a normal day so there is time to get everything accomplished. Neat and Tidy may seem like a cliche but it surely feels more positive than musty and messy. Let your kids see that there is pleasure in order. If you thrive on the stress and the drama, perhaps re access why. If mayhem and bedlam is your family creed, think about changing it.

Say your car is a pit with squashed french fries, unsorted mail and that glue gun you have never taken out of the back seat. (This is what is in mine as we speak). Make a habit of not eating in the car (oh all right, cleaning up what spilled when you get out), carrying packages and mail in and taking trash straight to the garbage can. Keep a package of dollar store wet wipes in the glove compartment and give a swipe to the dash and console at a red light. Isn't that satisfying to get into a clean car? Now, every time someone else rides with you, their abandoned Doritos sack will be obvious and obtrusive. The vehicle is nicer to ride in and by your example, your kids and your carpool learn respect and responsibility.
Some Gentle Suggestions For A Family
1. Empty? Throw it away.
2. Open it? Close it.
3. Out of place? Put it back.
4. Spill it, drop it, track it? Clean it up.
5. Dirty? Start the cleaning process.
6. Unmade? Make it.
7. If it's full, bag it, dispose of it and start another.
8. Figure what is treasure and what is trash.
9. Plan Ahead.
10. Follow Through.

So, the adults first get organized, then model for the kids. It's easier to preach clothes off the floor, laundry put away, homework completed, dishes loaded and not left in the sink....(whatever is the bailiwick at your house) , if you are leading by example. No more excuses. Get organized! Now excuse me. I have got to go dig stale french fries and 1 tube of melted Estee Lauder Passion Fruit out of my back seat.


Anonymous said...

I have a hamper for each of my kids. (husband too). They bring it down dirty and pick it back up with clean clothes. Wish I could say they neatly put everything away but they usually live out of the basket..still, it works for us. Tried the "wash it yourself" but it was just easier to run it all through and sanity is important too.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have time anymore? How did we all get so busy?