Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Word from the Wise

Another school year is winding down. Pre-schoolers will be moving on to elementary school, 6th graders move to middle-school, 8th graders go to high school and seniors move on to college or into the work force. For parents, years have flown. One day we're standing around the corner as our unwilling 6 year old is spirited away by his teacher and the next, we're watching a confident 18 year old fill out college applications.

We all hope we have given our children the tools they need to lead happy, fulfilled, successful lives. If only there was a formula to use as they grow. A mantra to model for our children. A key to an abundant life.

I don't think anyone has all the answers but there is someone who seems to have a pretty good handle on them. Lou Holtz, coach extraordinaire, sports commentator, and motivational speaker- can sum up what's important in 100 words or less.

"Dr. Lou" Make sure you always have four things in your life : something to do, someone to love, something to hope for and something to believe in.

On Progress Progress requires this. You can't steal second base and keep one foot on first. For every person who says you can do something, there will be 99 who say you can't. Don't be discouraged by the 99. Be encouraged by the person who believes in you.

On Confidence Believe in yourself. You can't satisfy everyone . Just make sure you please yourself.

On Attitude There are two different types of people: those who lift you up and those who pull you down. Life people up, don't tear them down.

On Success Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "What lies behind you and what lies ahead of you is of very little importance when you compare it with what lies within you." If determination lies within you, you'll be able to find a solution to all your problems.

On Influencing Those We Love 10 percent of you won't remember 10 percent of what is said 10 minutes after it's said. But I hope it will cause you to think. I hope all of you have the desire to dream, the courage to win, the faith to believe and the will to succeed.

Now, could anything so wise be said so simply? Thanks Coach. Chrissie


Anonymous said...

Super advice!

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

I think so too! C

Anonymous said...

Here's the graduation speech for any valedictorian searching for an idea!! pass it on