Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If Only It Was That Easy

Melony's observations about the the President addressing America's school children is (as usual), insightful and well argued. As we often discuss on this site, a good education in this country is becoming less and less the focus of families and schools. Either teaching to the test or teaching to the least performing has become the norm in many systems. When expectations at home are not demanding and support for a rigorous curriculum is non-existent, least performing students become the majority.

Mel's comparison of President Kennedy's push for physical activity and a healthier young population to President Obama's address regarding education is an excellent example. America's children are more obese, out of shape and in poorer health because of their weight than ever before. What lessons did their parents learn from the government's "public service" push in the 60's?

As an aside, did you know Muskogee, Oklahoma was one of the pilot cities for Kennedy's fitness campaign? There was even a city-wide event held at Indian Bowl. All of us were required to wear white shirts and shorts and we performed to "Go you Chicken Fat, go away.....go you chicken fat go." A series of exercises was interspersed between the lyrics. Muskogee students gamely performed with national coverage and politicians looking on, ready for a press opportunity. There was much speculation among Muskogee's school children that President Kennedy himself would be in attendance. Unless he came in disguise and unheralded, he missed the grand event.

I guess what our point is-values can 't be legislated. As someone wiser than I said, "Children learn what they live". If they are raised in an environment with the TV blaring, a belief that hard work is not necessary for success and that goals and aspirations are not defined-they learn mediocrity is acceptable. If home is not a place that nurtures and inspires, they begin to look elsewhere. Rock stars, spoiled athletes and undisciplined celebrities become the role models for a population that truly needs heroes a little closer to home. chrissie


Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

I did not know that about Muskogee. That is so interesting! Thanks for writing about it!

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

You are most welcome. I also remembered only certain ages were in the pilot groups and my grade happened to be the one....we all felt very important. Does anyone else remember participating?

too much time on my hands said...

Not only do I remember the song, its still available. It was sung by, (of all people). the late Robert Preston, of Music Man fame. Here is one link i found. http://www.clubcourtyard.com/ChickenFat.html

Anonymous said...

Um I did chicken fat at Pershing elementary school, like 15 years ago.

m said...

You're right..sadly. Our kids are fatter, more sedentary and less health conscious than ever before-"fast food is so easy and tv is so entertaining and mom is not home to motivate us to do anything else."