Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Focus. Focus.

Deep Breath. Put the "To Do" List down. Relax. Remember Moms- it's our holiday too.

I let myself get into a twit over Thanksgiving this year. All the family had a wonderful time, which was the point, but I hardly remember the day. I called my daughter the a few days later and asked her, "Did I have gravy?" Well, I did but I have absolutely no recollection of making the roux, adding the stock or seasoning the gravy. Now, gravy is something that takes a little planning. Is it thickening? Is it lumpy? Does it need a little salt? Gravy was on the table, I just don't remember how. That is preoccupied with a capital P.

So, Christmas. Shopping. Baking. Decorating. Wrapping. Polishing. Cleaning. Traveling. If your house is where everyone comes, it is daunting. I have heard people say they aren't putting up a tree this year. Others who bring Christmas dinner home- baked, roasted and ready to put on the table. I say, it you can get away with it, more power to you! I guess, though it is more work, the traditions and the work that goes along with it is what means Christmas for many of us. Dragging out the scraggly Santa that Aunt Mary made, polishing the silver bells to hang on the wreath at the front door, cutting out endless cookies and children, now grandchildren,getting sprinkles everywhere-somehow that is Christmas for me.

I promised myself after Thanksgiving that I would approach Christmas with a clear head and common sense this year. Two good examples that support my objective. # 1. I attended the Community Choir's Messiah last night with dear friends. #2. I drove around the parking lot at Woodland Hills Mall yesterday and drove right back out again. There is nothing there that warrants the traffic and the crowds.

I just mailed a "Finals Box" for my youngest. It contained some goodies to study with. Below are two favorites that are easy, fast and travel well. They are both great to tie up in cellophane gift sacks for little thank you's or favors.

Seasoned Pretzels

Mix together the following until well blended.

1 pkg ranch dressing mix
1 T lemon pepper
1 heaping tsp cayenne pepper
1 T garlic powder
3/4 cup vegetable oil

Put pretzels in a plastic bag and pour mixture - seal and shake to coat. Soak overnight.

Puppy Chow
Microwave until melted and smooth
1/2 cup margarine
1 cup peanut butter
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

In a large bowl -Pour above mixture over one 15 oz pkg Crispix cereal
Mix gently to coat well.
Place 4 cups powdered sugar in a large bag. Add cereal mixture and shake to coat well. Spread on foil or tray to dry. Store in airtight container.

Enjoy the season. Remember the reason. Don't only be pleasin'. chrissie

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