Monday, July 12, 2010

They're Back!

Is your teenager driving you crazy? Is all that angst, all those raging hormones, all that fighting for independence-making your home a battleground? Do you stare across the dinner table, dreaming of the day that doors don't slam, rooms stay clean and peace descends on your family once again? Dreaming of the day-your teen heads to college.

I read something sobering this weekend. In the United States today, over 50% of grown children will return to their childhood home within 5-6 years. And stay for a while.

That may leave you wondering, late at night....."Dear Lord, we didn't cover everything. They could be back by Thursday."

You frantically call your college -age children to remind them of the million things they don't remember you teaching them, Unfortunately, they are partying the night away, celebrating being liberated from their parents.

Well, all is not lost. Just remember, the time to start preparing children for adulthood is while they are still young. The alternative is a thirty-year-old teenager losing the remote control, leaving their wet towels on the floor and staying out past their curfew.

I happened upon a clever list. It outlines things teens should know before they leave home. What follows are some of the best ones.

1. They should know life is sometimes difficult so they won't get discouraged and move home.

2. They should know they now pay the bills.

3.They should know the lifestyle they enjoyed growing up is not waiting for them, just because they graduated from college.

4. They should know that if a friend's possessions make them feel bad about themselves, they should find new friends.

5. They should know the difference between washing a Lexus or owning one is education.

6. They should know to seek the advice of a mentor, not unemployed club friends.

7. They should know that if getting a good job was easy, everyone would have one.

8. They should know that self discipline is the key to solving life's problems.

9. They should know victims are never happy.

10. They should know life's challenges make us stronger, better, healthier, more spiritual and more grateful human beings.

Summer's flying by. Enjoy it with those you love. chrissie

1 comment:

sigh said...

if only a list would make it happen.