Monday, February 28, 2011

Hey Mom, I'm Home

My youngest came home from college this weekend. His Father offered new tires and he was heading east on I-40 before his Dad hung up the phone.

I don't care how we get a child home- bribery, extortion, promises of favorite meals and clean sheets- it's no holds barred at the Wagners. I am always singing a happy tune when I know one of my children is going to be walking through the door and back into our daily life.

Don't misunderstand me. I don't want one back here for the wrong reason-dejected, school-less or jobless and holed up in their childhood bedroom, sighing through old annuals. I am pleased and proud that they have their own homes and their own lives. As parents, that is kind of what we are aiming for isn't it? Independence. Self sufficiency. Forging their own path. Writing their own story. Growing up.

Still, when one or all is home, my house smiles and so do I. Friends coming in and out. Food disappearing. Talks on the end of my bed, up later than I ever am up when they are not here. "What is there to eat Mom?" "Dad, want me to help you with that?" Explaining Power Rangers finer nuances to his nephew. "Wag, the red one- Jason, is the coolest Power Ranger." Bantering with his brother-in-law about sports, workout programs and music choices.

Youngest went back to Norman yesterday. The house is pretty quiet today and I am always sad the morning after. It's just this part of my life. This well named "Empty Nest Syndrome." That is why it is so important to make a life outside of your children now, while they are home. Then, when they grow up and move on, your days are still full and rich and active without them. They really do leave someday and a Mother's life goes on.

Remember, keep writing your own story -as your child writes their own. chrissie


Anonymous said...

Awesome, but I prefer Tommy the white ranger!

birder said...

The house can get pretty quiet if you are just sitting there, waiting for them to come home- we can make the next part of our lives as vibrant and full as the "mommy years" - get going!!!

regretting said...

It is too hard. I wished them to be walking, potty trained, in school, at camp, to college then-it's over and they are gone. So fast. So final.