Monday, March 21, 2011

It Will Get Your Attention

You know how life is kind of just rolling along? Days and Nights come and go. Plans are made. Time passes and you forget to notice? Then, WHAM. Life and living find a way to get your attention. Boy, does it find a way.

Last Monday, my husband was being wheeled into surgery for what would be a quadruple by-pass. It had been a long weekend, anticipating such a serious procedure. All the children came home. Friends came for dinner and supported and encouraged Wag and the rest of us. Our church prayed for his health and healing.

Monday morning, I left my husband of 36 years at the surgery door. I walked to the waiting room, alone. The kids were all right behind me, but for 5 minutes, I sat in the little room I had been assigned and thought about what he was going through. What he was going through to give us all more time together.

As my family does, we circled the wagons and gathered in a small waiting room. Also, as my family does, our behavior seemed perhaps incongruous with what was happening down the hall. Bad jokes, lots of eating, nervous laughter. Furniture "borrowed" from other areas of the hospital to accommodate our rapidly expanding group. Stern faced nuns who kept coming to our door and shushing our rowdy group. Ten cell phones ringing and other laptops communicating with everyone else- everyone else who loves my husband and my childrens' Father.

When we were told the surgery was over and successful, there was a spontaneous cheer in our little room. The relief was palpable. Prayers were answered and thanks was given. When the call came he was back in his room, a thundering herd of Wagners ran through the hospital. We crowded into the elevator. We loped through the hall in a great mass of joyful family. We poured into the hospital room of the man who loves us most of all.

Note: All the public service announcements. All the things our doctors tell us. They are true by the way. We all know it but a heart bypass will get your attention. Eat right. Exercise. De-stress. This particular house is a believer now.

My husband is doing great. He is strong as a horse so his recovery is ahead of schedule. Eight days after surgery, he even went into his office for a few hours. We are on the road to the next part of our lives, even more aware that every day is a gift. A chapter is closed and a new chapter is opening. The plan around here is to get to finish the book. chrissie


concerned said...

Just walk through the aisles of a grocery store and look in shoppers is horrifying. America just does not get it and we are paying for it. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease..........just so we can eat dingdongs and fried cheese.

Anonymous said...

It will get your attention....better than a heart attack however.
Glad your story ended happily-lots don't.

Right on said...

Well said. Life is worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...

some of us can't afford the "right" food--some of us work and can't "work out"--some of us don't have the option of medical care-no insurance--