Friday, February 15, 2008

Democracy in Action

The race for President is creating a perfect learning opportunity for our teens. Nothing could be a better teacher about democracy than being old enough to vote for President. This is one Presidential election these young people will never forget.

For students about to vote in their first election this is an exciting time to be alive! Teens are living through the candidacy of not only the first woman contender, but also the first African American candidate. There may be much speculation about the Democratic nominee, and the accusations between parties and between candidates may start to fly, which might tend to be a downer, but nevertheless, history is being made. These teens very well may witness other female or African American presidents in their lifetime, but they will be able to say, "I remember the very first (woman) (African American) candidate back in 2008."

Yes, this is an exciting time for young voters.

It is also an exciting time for young candidates. Tyler Hammons, 2007 graduate of Muskogee High School, is running for mayor of Muskogee. This excellent young man has a burning desire to actively participate in the running of our country. Watch him - he may be in the running for President of the United States in 2028 as the youngest President in U.S. history!

Teens often mimic the political sentiments of their parents, so we should know we are being watched. This year is an excellent year to have some meaningful discussions with our children about the democratic process and the duty and privilege of exercising the right to vote. The race itself may dwindle down to ad hominem argumentation, but we don't have to. Expressing legitimate reasons for choosing a candidate will help our children understand the importance of making an educated decision based on facts.

Helping our children understand democracy and the voting process can help strengthen the future citizenry of our country. After all, they'll be paying for and making decisions about our Social Security!

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LaTour Genealogical Collection said...
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