Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taking EOI's Seriously

It's that time of year again - EOI testing in Oklahoma. Starting this year, high stakes testing is ratcheting up the consequences of not passing the exams. This year's freshmen must pass a certain number of tests, starting with Algebra I, to get a real diploma. Those who do not pass the required tests will receive a Certificate of Attendance, stating to future employers that they merely occupied a seat while in high school.

Education is important - getting a good education is always the right thing to do, regardless of race, creed, or gender. Having a minimal education with certain standards and common knowledge forms a cohesion in our way of life. It can and should be expected from everyone. The tests form a minimal expectation and only average is required to pass. Can't we, shouldn't we, expect at least a 'C' from our children?

The final weeks of review are here. Please stress to your children how important passing the tests can be to their future success. They will be competing for jobs and college placement with graduates holding a real diploma in an ever-diminishing job market. Why not help your children get the best chance possible at obtaining a secure future by encouraging them to try their hardest in school.

Testing reminders:
Get enough rest.
Eat breakfast.
Do practice questions with your child.
Reward positive behavior.
Don't stress out or make your child stress out.
Have fun after the testing day is over.

Good luck! And don't panic - if your child does not pass the test the first time, it can be retaken. Taking the test seriously - taking school seriously - and encouraging your child to pass the test(s) the first time is the best bet.

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