Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Hey Buddy"

It's nice to be back to "The Care and Feeding of Teenagers". Google did something or other to the what-cha-may- call-it and the format changed. It took catching up to their technology to be able to post again.

Spring is here and along with the season, schedules are busy and life is hectic. Many of us are preparing for end of school, graduations and new beginnings. Spring sport activities are in full swing and little girls are trying on tutus in preparation for that seasonal rite of passage-dance recitals. Finals are looming for both high school and college and finding a summer job is a priority for many teens. Spring is a beautiful, vibrant and exciting time of year for young and old alike.

A small thing happened yesterday that was one of those snapshot events. It was an ah-hah moment that made me stop my day, warmed my heart and put everything into perspective. My grandaughter, Annebelle was playing a last soccer game last night. She asked me to come. I have recently had surgery and getting to the field in itself was an effort. Nursing a cold, I was feeling a little crotchety and very self righteous. Maybe a little martyr snuck in there too.

The game was a bit one sided. Our team consists of 5 little girls and 1 little boy, twin brother to a fellow Pixie. Yes, he is a member of the Tinkerbelle team. Parents of twins have to combine some activities for simplifying schedules! The other side was all boys, who had, shall we say, a little more competitive attitude toward the game.

You gotta love soccer-everyone plays, everyone rotates and everyone gets a high five and a "well done". So, the game is proceeding. Pixie's are being put in, taken out, and rotated. One of the Pixie coaches, always planning strategy, decides to pull the goalie, who is a little preoccupied- readjusting her hair scrunchie. He motions for the substitute, who has been busy during his time on the sidelines. Our lone male player looks up at his summons to the field. His dad, our intrepid coach, hollers across the field- "Hey buddy, put down the flowers , it's your turn."

His son, who had been picking wildflowers under the bleachers, handed his bouquet to his mother and ran onto the field.

Now, that is a Father. It was the sweetest, most affirming moment. A tiny morality play about parenting. In that brief exchange, I know those children will grow up in a home where they are nurtured and allowed to explore who they are. They will explore who they are without the ambitions of their parents tempering their development. That "hey buddy...." spoke volumes about understanding these little people who are in our care for such a brief time. A brief time to train up and to grow. To grow strong,, and confident, and sure. I am so lucky Annebelle asked me to her game. Chrissie


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back!!!! We've missed you both.

soccer mom said...

Glad you're both back. Missed your insight and perspective!!!

Anonymous said...

Anthesis of coaches I remember. Maybe dads are getting wiser.