Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Blessings

mErRy ChRistMas


Merry Christmas


We're closing in on the holiday. 4 days and counting. I am including a new recipe from my friend Jennifer. It is a nice addition to Christmas brunch, is as easy as can be and is delicious!

Section fresh grapefruit, saving the juice. You may also use pre-sectioned grapefruit from the jar. 2 mounding cups of fruit with serve 4-6 people.
Combine 2 cups of juice with 1 cup sugar and bring to a boil. After sugar is dissolved, add 2 cups of cranberries and boil until cranberries pop.
Pour cranberry mixture over the drained citrus and chill well. Right before serving, toss in 1 or 2 sliced bananas.

My Merry Christmas is three cars of my children are Muskogee bound and the rest are just across the street. Santa made a brief visit Saturday night before returning to finish things at the North Pole and all is right with the world. My significant other is whistling Christmas songs around the house and we both are ready for our tribe to descend. I have been to the grocery five times in two days. Everything is wrapped. The tree is actually still alive and full of needles. Ok. I'm ready. Bring on Christmas. chrissie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a live tree!!! very nice.