Thursday, March 1, 2007

Are You Hooked Up?

Driving home from Oklahoma City tonight, I did the usual and turned on NPR. The interview was a topic I had considered writing about, but had postponed, namely, teen sex. The commentator was interviewing Laura Sessions Stepp who has written a column about adolescence for the Washington Post for decades now. She also has a new book called Unhooked: How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love, and Lose at Both (released February 15th).

The interviewer began with stats about lower teen pregnancy rates, which had also just been published in an article in the Scout, Muskogee High School's student newspaper. Statistics on teen sex also seem to report lower incidences, but then, this is the post Bill/Monica generation that has a different definition of just what sex is, which makes it a little harder to get a real read on teen sexual behavior.

Stepp's book, however, follows girls aged 15 through college age for a year (although she says middle schoolers are getting hooked up, too), keeping track of how many times the girls "hooked up." Hooking up entails meeting someone without commitment for anything from just kissing to the real thing. What she found is that today's young women are not looking for the same relationship commitment as in by-gone days. They want the same freedom that a man has in respect to using someone for consensual pleasure and then tossing them (pl. intentionally used).

Only Stepp asserts that this is damaging to young women's self image. She feels they are not learning to form relationships from these experiences, and so are leading a flat, emotionless "unhooked" existence, rather than a passionate, joyful one. It's not so much the question of having sex that presents a problem for Stepp, as the lack of intimacy and joy that should result from the encounter. She claims that by delaying relationship commitment, today's young people aren't learning how to form solid relationships and are actually creating suspicion in the relationships they do have.

While it seems like I have observed this same behavior in some of the young people I know, Stepp has been tagged as hyper critical by the younger generation, who claim she doesn't understand them. They have an alternate scenario in which, rather than getting divorced later, they will wait until they find the right person, I guess from all this hooking up. Hey, it sounds good - young people have many things stored in their short term memories - why not add relationships, too? Add alot of alcohol, which Stepp claims is exacerbating this problem, and you can just forget it all.

Despite all the women's lib, one young man she interviewed claimed that hooking up just gave the guys more leeway to be bigger jerks. So, what did women really get for all their freedom? According to Stepp, not much. Girls still reported being just as disappointed when a guy did not call her the next day or even ask for her phone number as girls would have been back in the "free love" days. Brain chemicals at work again - during sex oxytocin is released which forms an emotional bond between partners (the chemical is also released by lactating mothers to form bonds with their babies). The more intense the experience, the more oxytocin is released. The next great question may be how to unhook ourselves, especially our emotional selves, from nature.

We can conquer certain parts of nature, though. One way, at least physically, is the new HPV inoculation, which can at least free girls from the threat of cervical cancer. Texas is requiring it as an additional vaccination. I was wondering what you all thought about that. Would you get the vaccine for your daughter voluntarily, or do you think it should be required by law? Let me know what you think and hook me up with some answers to these perplexing problems.


Anonymous said...

I think this group of kids is what we used to call "numbing up." They don't talk about or acknowledge their feelings very much. I am afraid it will come back on them in about a decade when they will have to face some unpleasant truths about themselves or it will begin to manifest itself in other psychological ways and they won't know why they are having those feelings. I guess that is what the columnist you were talking about calls her book "unhooked." It makes sense. I think we used to call it "amoral".

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

Yes, I think you are right - amoral is the term. I guess when they started predicting that virtue ethics is dead about 10 years ago, it was only on its deathbed. Now it might really be dead. I don't know - the whole issue is just like the iPOD - this generation seems to be "all about me," and this is just another way to use a person to get what "I" want. But, didn't using another person used to be considered immoral, even if that other person unknowingly went along with it?

I don't know - all teens can't be that callous, but there have been so many articles about it lately it makes it seem like they are all doing it.

CaveDwellers said...

Don't take for granted that your middle school kid knows about all the sexually transmitted diseases. They don't. I was amazed how little my G-son knows! If you are uncomfortable talking to your kid about it, get them a book!

It is very scary the way our kids view sex. It has become a mere activity, with no more importance than going to a movie, or out dancing. Girls are just as aggressive as the guys now. All in the name of being equal I believe. But it's funny how the boys still talk badly of girls who are having sex. Nothing has really changed, only more girls are being talked about in not so nice ways..But now, the girls also talk badly about boys who have numerous partners..

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

That's true - today girls do refer to guys as sluts or man 'hos, so maybe equality is on the rise! Or the decline, not sure which...

Anonymous said...

Have you heard some big doctor has come out this week saying that she thinks everyone should get the shot? I think I read it just this weekend somewhere.

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

Yes, I did hear that. I have mixed feelings. I have known many girls, both students and friends, who faced a hysterectomy while still a teenager because of cervical cancer caused by HPV. If this shot could eradicate that diagnosis, I'm all for it. If canver is a virus, I'm for thinking up as many vaccines as necessary to eliminate the suffering it causes!!

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

More information, if anyone cares. There are three shots, given at 3 month intervals, similar to the Hepatitis vaccines kids have to get. It is recommended to begin between 11 and 12. It doesn't cure all kinds of cervical cancer, but does target 70% of HPV infections. It can be given as late as 26 years of age.

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

There was an article today in the Phoenix about this topic - the HPV shots. It strongly advocated in favor of getting the shot for your daughter. You can go online to check out today's Phoenix article on the features front page.

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