Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Two Weeks and Counting

Two weeks til Christmas
Where does the time go?
Shopping to do
Then wrapped with a bow.
The teens in your house
Are easy to please,
Ipods and lap- tops
On you put the squeeze.
Razors and Coaches
And flat screened TV's
It seems in your family
A rich Santa you need.
The tree is not decorated
There's no one around,
To help with the trimming
No teen can be found.
Six dozen Christmas cookies
In bright green and red;
Stood alone and unguarded,
Teenage-boys? Enough said.
Gifts for the neighbors
Now must be bought
So much for homemade
Poinsettas now sought.
Daughter announces
(On Sunday before)
Her friend gifts are needed
So back to the stores.
The house is all polished,
You've worked for a week.
Wait, schools's out today
Your plans get a tweek.
The dishes are stacked
In the sink night and day,
Their clothes you step over,
As this prayer you pray:

Lord help me remember

This time too shall pass

To not be impatient

Nor let life go too fast.

Each stage with our children

Is unique in it's way

Each moment a blessing

Give thanks for today.

Lord give me patience

And guide me as I

Help these children grow

On you I rely.

May the seeds that we've planted

Nurture and grow

And Christmases from now

We'll reflect in the glow

Of children who grew to be

Honest and giving

Loving and strong

And making a living.

It all comes full circle

As around once again

Our daughters and sons

Become women and men.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping everything in perspective.....take a deep breath-they'll all be out this weekend.

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

I like that, Chrissie!

Anonymous said...

It deosn't hurt to go over expectations and ground rules before each long break. It's at least a stab at a routine and some sort of order. Like, only sleep until say...11:00 evry morning. yikes I'm not ready.