Tuesday, January 2, 2007

How Can I Love You When I Am Not Even Sure I Like You?

As children enter the traumatic teen years, much is written about a positive self image. This is an extremely difficult and precarious time. The goal is to make the transition easy and successful for our child. Is there a proven formula? Is there some equation that insures our off-spring will triumphantly exit the teen years with a laurel wreath resting on his or her majestic and regal head? Umm, well,.........no. Not as far as I can tell.
Do not be dismayed.
True. There are no guarantees that a young adult will exit the teens with accolades and scholarships, non- tattooed and substance abuse free. No one can promise doors not slamming in anger, freedom from alarming clothing choices and no late night calls from public officials. Speeding tickets, curfew violations and seemingly shallow and shady priorities often come with the teen territory. Expect that they are testing the boundaries and limits as they seek independence. A parent's pray is that teenagers have the wisdom and good sense to not make choices that can negatively alter their life forever.

One cornerstone for a successful life is a young person's self-esteem. This self-esteem is nurtured and established with unconditional love. It is the love that communicates "I
believe in you, I'm here for you and I love you, no matter what." (www.parentingwithout pressure.com) How wise this seems, until our little darling wrecks the car or a failing grade comes in or they refuse to participate in a family situation...then that love gets a little stretched. Actually, stretched a whole lot. How in heaven's name can we love these rude and inconsiderate beings "unconditionally"?

Here's a formula offered by Parenting without Pressure.
Simply, actions can change feelings. Parents communicate to the teen, "I don't like the behavior but that has nothing to do with my love for you." Easily said, but it naturally becomes more difficult if continued behavior results in such pain that a parent literal feels like their heart is broken. We close off, shut down and isolate from the child.

Unconditional love works even when we think "there is no way" by first making a cognitive choice. Literally, loving with your head and trusting your heart will follow. Speak unconditional love and you will eventually truly feel that way. It works.

This of course does not mean there are not consequences for unacceptable actions. Of course there are. We'll discuss this in more depth at another time, but nothing should be accepted or discounted if the action or choice includes one of the following:
Is this immoral?
Is this illegal?
Is this going to make a difference in five years?
Is this going to hurt my child or someone else?
Is it inappropriate for his/her age?
We all wonder if something is a "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" situation. The above list really addresses that question.

Back to that self-esteem issue. To love unconditionally means no "I love you if's"; no "Yes, but's..." ; no "If only you had's....". Instead, it means, "I love you for who you are and what you are becoming. You are important to me and worthy of my interest and time." Parents are like mirrors to their children. As we see them, they see themselves. Focus attention on what makes them who they are and value their uniqueness. We have to remember, they are not us. Our children have their own dreams, their own gifts and their own interests. It is not our child's job to build up our egos. It is difficult enough to build up their own!!!

School is starting and 7:00 A.M. breakfast is always difficult to get going again. Here is an easy Smoothie Recipe that gets the little darlings off to a healthy and delicious start.

In a blender combine:

1 banana , a handful of blueberries, peaches, or strawberries (fresh or frozen) 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt , 2 tablespoons of honey, a few ice cubes and enough orange juice to get the mixture blending. Whir around until smooth. My kids like it thicker so I add a little more ice and if I remember, I throw the banana in the freezer the night before. If you have some sort of cereal similar to granola, it can be added to the top for a crunch. Any kind of nut can be added to the mix before blending and it adds a little protein and they will never even know it is in there. If there is time, enjoy together around the breakfast room table. (Yeah, right) Throw in a syrofoam cup and send them out the door.


CaveDwellers said...

A beautiful girl once found a starving, injured very lonely snake. She took it home and fed it, nursed it, and lovingly brought it back to health. One day she picked it up lovingly and the snake bit her. She ask the snake, "Why , oh why, did you bite me? I brought you into my home, fed you, nursed you back to health, and loved you. The snake replied, " You knew I was a snake all along"!!

Teens are somewhat like the snake. And it is difficult to love them sometimes through all the pain they can inflict. But they are, thankfully, really human beings and not snakes at all. The teen years will pass, and one day standing before us will be a young man or woman who will amaze us with their loving natures and respectful attitudes. Most will make it through the metamorphosis to adulthood with many tid bits of embarrassing stories about themselves we are entitled to share with their children!...

Anonymous said...

I can never please my dad. I wish he would read this blog. Not everyone is good at stuff like sports and math and invited to everything. I wish he would get off my back.

Melony Carey and Chrissie Wagner said...

Anonymous, maybe you could share the blog with your Dad and it would help him see how you feel. If you are hesitant to actually lead him to the computer, maybe print off something that reflects how you feel and leave it for him with a kind word from you.
Or talk to your Mom or another adult you trust about the problem.
What do you like to do and enjoy? Skateboarding? Nintendo? Are you interested in films or music? Maybe at school there is a club that would help you showcase and showoff your talents. Don't hide your light under a barrel as the saying goes.

CaveDwellers said...


You sound a lot like my Grandson. You are so very correct about not all kids being into the same things. Your Dad loves you. But he is finding it difficult to relate to you because he was probably very into sports and all those things some men think of as being "guy" stuff. And because he was into that sort of thing, he most likely had a great deal of fun when he was playing them. That is why he wants you to be into those things. He wants you to experience the fun he did. It's just a suggestion, but you may try inviting him to play a video game with you. Or maybe go shoot a game of pool, or just ask him if you and he can go ride around together and get a coke now and then. He is having as hard a time as you are trying to find things you and him can do together. But I am willing to bet ya my keyboard that he would be thrilled to know you just want to spend some time with him...Just remember,,not all successful people were into sports. Many very famous people who have been responsible for shaping our world were not into sports at all! That might be something you and your Dad could research together. It could be fun!

Anonymous said...

please yourself and love your dad